
The colon absorbs water from the stool and if the intake of water is less the stools become hard and results in constipation. It is therefore important that along with the high content of fiber in the foods one must take enough water to avoid constipation. 


Yogurts contain live active probiotic bacteria. These are good bacteria in the gut that are important for the health of the gut. Hence, including yogurt in the food helps in avoiding constipation and maintaining healthy bowel movements. 


Coffee stimulates muscle contractions in the colon. Hence sometimes having coffee may initiate a bowel movement and remove constipation.


Prunes are rich in fibre. This increases the bulk of stool which in turn causes a reflex increase in the contraction of the colon. Prunes also have fructans and sorbitol which are, fermentable sugars having a laxative effect 


Kiwi is a high-fibre and low-sugar fruit. Hence it is recommended and helps to relieve constipation.


Popcorn also contains high content of fiber and hence helps in relieving constipation. 


One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds contains 2 grams of fiber. Adding a spoonful of flaxseeds to yogurt or any breakfast food or salad will help in maintaining a good bowel routine. The body cannot digest full flaxseeds and ground flaxseeds are recommended. 


Oranges contain a high amount of fiber and a flavonol called naringenin, which is believed to have a laxative effect


Oatmeal contains both insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool and helps food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines, while soluble fiber dissolves in water

And forms a gel-like material that adds bulk to the stool and helps in bowel movement.

Aloe Vera juice

Aloe Vera juice is made from the aloe vera plant this juice can act as a laxative.


Spinach contains a high amount of fiber and magnesium which is important for the contractility of the colon. Hence spinach is a well-known food that can help to prevent constipation.


Beans contain resistant starch which is a fiber-like starch. This resistant starch acts as a mild laxative and also helps in maintaining the normal flora of the gut, thus helping in the prevention of constipation.

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