17 ALPHA - HYDROXY PROGESTERONE (30 Mts. After  250 Ug. ACTH I/v)

17 ALPHA - HYDROXY PROGESTERONE (30 Mts. After 250 Ug. ACTH I/v)17 ALPHA - HYDROXY PROGESTERONE (30 Mts. After 250 Ug. ACTH I/v)

17 ALPHA - HYDROXY PROGESTERONE (30 Mts. After 250 Ug. ACTH I/v)

Method of Collection:

Volume as mentioned on gel vacutainer (Yellow)

Days for reporting:

2 Days



Why is the Test Done?

This test is done as a part of newborn screening to detect congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. It is also used for diagnosing CAH in older children and adults who may have a milder, "late-onset" form. It also helps in monitoring treatment response in patiwnt with  21-hydroxylase deficiency. An ACTH stimulation test is done as a follow-up test to assess response to treatment in patients of CAH.

How to prepare for the Test:

No test preparation is needed

+91 81304 15737